Keep our Heroes Safe
We are living in an unprecedented time and each of us has a part to play for the safety of everyone. We are all connected! To help combat Covid-19, while we retreat to our homes and isolate ourselves to help stop the spread, our frontline HEROES show up to work everyday and nurture the sick back to health. They put their lives and those of their loved ones in the line of fire for the greater good.
As friends and family of MSH HEROES, each day we endure the anxiety of wondering if our loved ones would contract Covid-19 while in the line of duty. Though we want to support the vocation they have chosen and stand behind them, a part of us can’t help but go to a dark place and anticipate the worst.
Prevention is the best course of action and practicing physical distancing is the key to stopping the spread. The best way to keep our HEROES safe is by ensuring they have the proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to do their job. Now more than ever, the frontline is in need for PPE which includes hospital grade surgical masks including N95 masks, gloves, gowns and face shields along with other urgent equipment.
We are counting on your generosity to spread the word and donate to this worthy cause. All donations towards the MSH COVID-19 Relief Fund will help fund the purchases of PPE.
Every bit counts and we thank you in advance for your support!
Family and Friends of MSH Heroes